[L]et us run with perseverance the race that is set before us... Consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart. -Hebrews 12:1b, 3 (NRSV)
I am reminded of this biblical passage occasionally as Lance tumbles and falls. As a 9-month-old (on Tuesday), Lance is learning to walk. To attain this new skill, he pulls up on everything in sight. Recliners, beds, tall toys, crib sides, people, and anything else that is taller than he becomes a pole to assist with this new skill. The downside to walking is falling. Every time Lance risks letting go of one object to reach to another (be it an arm's length or further away), he may or may not fall. When he tumbles and falls, he risks a multitude of injuries. When I swoop in to rescue him (which I do on a case-by-case basis), I comfort him then allow him to redo whatever caused his prior injury. It is absolutely beautiful to see this son of mine risk everything simply to learn new skills.
As I watch Lance risk failure while attempting new skills, I often think of my own life's trials and tribulations. As I learn a new skill, I often fail, and I occasionally succeed. I may be hurt in the process. At the times that I am hurt, I sometimes feel the soft hand of YHWH (the Hebrew name for God) lift me up, hold me close, and place me on a similar path to learn from my wrong and continue the race. Paul reminds us to continue the race and to persevere against all odds.